Contact Information
Address: Sofia 1113, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., Block 107
Tel. +359 88 883 7011
Website: http://www.imc.bas.bg/
E-mail: mptarassov@gmail.com
Affiliation – Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography “Acad. Ivan Kostov” (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), Department of Mineralogy and Mineral Resources
– 1977-1983 – High Education (Master Degree), Geochemistry (Environmental Protection); Saint-Petersburg (Leningrad) State University, Saint-Petersburg (Leningrad), Russia
– 2001 – PhD degree “Mineralogy and Crystallography”; Central Laboratory of Mineralogy and Crystallography, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Academic positions in the last five years:
– till 2018 – Associate Professor;
– since 2018 – Professor
Scientific awards and membership in scientific societies:
– Bulgarian Geological Society (BGS) (Member of Steering Board, Vice-President of BGS);
– Bulgarian Crystallographic Society (Member)
– Bulgarian Mineralogical Society (Member)
- Н index (according to Scopus or Web of Science): 10 (AU-ID –“Tarassov, Mihail” 7801559260 )
- Total number of scientific publications: 118
- From them with impact factor or impact rang: 37
- Number of citations of the scientific publications: 426
- Number of scientific publications in the last five years: 23
- From them with impact factor or impact rang: 12
- Number of citations of the scientific publications in the last five years: 224
- Number of patents and utility models: 0