Contact Information
Address: Razgrad, Orel, 5, V, 19
Tel. +359 899892855
E-mail: inikolova@uni-ruse.bg
Affiliation – research organization, department: “Angel Kanchev” University of Ruse, Razgrad Branch, Department of Chemical, Food and Biotechnologies
Education 2017 Agricultural University – Plovdiv – PhD, Scientific specialty Inorganic chemistry
Academic positions in the last five years: assistant, Chief assistant professor
Scientific awards and membership in scientific societies:
- Н index (according to Scopus or Web of Science): 0
- Total number of scientific publications: 25
- From them with impact factor or impact rang: 5
- Number of citations of the scientific publications: 18
- Number of scientific publications in the last five years: 21
- From them with impact factor or impact rang: 4
- Number of citations of the scientific publications in the last five years: 13
- Number of patents and utility models: 0